UVA Event default tabs

A conference for web professionals serving colleges, universities, libraries and museums. Prices from $99 to $399.
SKU: edUIEventdefault

Fields with asterisk are required.

General Information

Types of registration *

Only if different from name used to register in store. 

Please enter the participant's full name.

Tuesday Night Adventure
Registrant Info

Enter information about the person registering

    Which Day? *
    Session Selection:


    Student pricing is designed to help full-time students not working in the field afford edUi.

    Full-time status: Undergraduate 12 + hours - Graduate 9+ hours

      Workshop Selection


      One half-day workshop is included with full conference registration

      at no additional charge! Workshops happen alongside other

      conference sessions. 

      Meal Restrictions

      We'll do our best to accommodate special meal requests.

      If we're unable, we'll let you know before the conference.

      Let us know if you need specific accommodations.

      I'm a:

      This will appear on your nametag.


      full description

      Event group a

      event group b

      Event group c
